Calendar of Courses

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Total: 117
October, 2017
Asset/Plant Oriented Risk Management [II]
October 16, 2017 tentative | 8 CPs

Three optional compulsory courses compose the second module. The asset and plant oriented risk management firstly introduces principles of Risk Based Inspection in petrochemical and power generation industries dealing with the most important risk-based approaches in line with the main standard documents, such as API RP 580 and API 581. The courses about RBI offer a state-of-the-art knowledge on methods and tools applied. Second, the module discusses methodologies for decision-making processes in maintenance and accident prevention. These are well illustrated by a number of instances from different industries.

January, 2017
MATERIALS: Materials Engineering [XIII-C-R42:]
January 23 - 27, 2017
The course elaborates fundamentals of Materials Science, such as a general introduction, mechanical properties and related material testing of structural metallic materials. It gives a demonstration of specific damage mechanisms (creep, fatigue, creep-fatigue, corrosion). Welding of metallic materials and related problems is another focus.

November, 2016
POWER: Risk Analysis in Power Industry [XIII-B-R03]
Lecturer: Jörg Bareiß
November 28 - December 2, 2016
Knowledge of risk analysis applied specifically in power industry, starting with advantages and effectiveness of its application. It presents the regulatory basis and requirements, and elaborate commonly used methods through number of examples.

October, 2016
ISO31000: Principles and Methods of ISO 31000 [I-R32:]
October 6, 2016

The course covers the International Standard of ISO 31000:2009 highlighting the relationship between the risk management principles, framework and process as described in this International Standard. The course also highlights issues related to the applicability of the standard in industry and in general.


September, 2016
QM: Quality Management [II-R51:]
Lecturer: Celeste Peters
September 27 - 28, 2016

This course aims on the one hand to convince every attendee of the importance of an integrated quality management system by presenting the philosophy standing behind it, supported by numerous examples. On the other hand it will present the methodology and the tools required to implement quality management within their organization. Special attention will be given to the ISO 9001 standard and to the involvement of various organization’s stakeholders.


August, 2015
RBI - Advanced [VB]
August 17 - 21, 2015 | 5 CPs
This module is devoted to the advanced issues of RBI analysis and, in particular, to the analysis of consequences of failure as defined by API RP 581:2008 Risk-Based Inspection Technology. It starts with general definitions aiming to ensure better understanding of the main topics of the module. The methodology for calculation is always illustrated with examples. The second part looks at the document CWA (CEN Workshop Agreement) 15740:2008, Risk-Based Inspection and Maintenance Procedures for European Industry (RIMAP). It explains the reasons to develop the European procedure and its differences and advantages in comparison to API RBI methodology. The focus of the last part of the module is on the damage mechanisms appearing in different industries and their influence to the calculation of probability of failure of equipment. A large number of elaborated examples are included.
July, 2015
CoF: Accident and Consequences Modeling [IIIA-R07]
July 20 - 24, 2015

The course deals with accident and consequences modeling in industry. Three main topics are covered by the course: modeling of explosion, fire modeling and industrial fires. The modeling is elaborated by explaining general techniques and illustrated by examples of applied methods: CDF model, Baker-Strehlow-Tang model, Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) model, as well as Phenomenological and Stoichiometric models. Attendees will not only be able to differentiate between fire and explosion, but also know how to do simple calculations of consequence with an appropriate comprehension of explosion mechanism and fire principles.


June, 2015
LCA: Life Cycle Analysis and Assessment [IVB-R16]
June 29 - July 3, 2015

The course gives the participants opportunity to improve the knowledge about the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and to gain the skills to perform simplified LCA studies and to analyze, discuss and comment international scientific articles on LCA. The course provides a comprehensive overview of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Life Cycle Costing (LCC), International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) and European Reference Life Cycle Data System (ELCD). The focus will be on practical examples of applying LCA in industry and improving the environmental performance and sustainability of products and services.


Course on Resilience of Infrastructures
Lecturers: Aleksandar S. Jovanovic, Cameron A. MacKenzie, Helmut Wenzel
June 24, 2015



Modern society depends more and more on the effective and reliable operations of infrastructure systems (infrastructures), such as those delivering energy, water, sanitation, shelter, information, emergency response and other critical services. These, on the other side, need to be assessed on their resilience in case of large and/or cascading events. Whilst most people fully agree about the importance of resilience, common agreement about the resilience assessment approaches, methods and tools is still an issue.

The course will look at these issues primary from the engineer point of view and, after preparing the overview and information about the state-of-the-art focus on some practical examples highlighting aspects of the practical quantitative assessment of resilience.


BC&M: Business Communication and Management of Intercultural Differences [IVC-R19]
Lecturer: Aleksandar S. Jovanovic
June 5, 2015

In the times of ever increasing globalization, cultural differences and multilingual issues play an important role in the area of business communication which can easily fail on apparently banal issues. This could be of particular importance also in collaborative international projects. A cognitive approach toward cultural and national differences will be used throughout the training.


RP&C: Risk Perception and Risk Communication [VC-R34]
Lecturer: Michael Löscher
June 1 - 3, 2015

This course presents theoretical backgrounds and state-of-the-art research issues on perception and communication of risk. It aims to provide a solid basis for further developments of such work tasks by including theoretical achievements in the related fields, various examples from field work, and an internal training exercise. The understanding of communication processes and the improving of information and communication techniques related to risk and hazards are central themes of the course. The course will also provide insight into selected historical aspects as well as current topics and literature. 

In order to facilitate the bridge between theory and practice, a special attention will be given to two methodologies that enable the implementation of Risk Perception and Risk Communication concepts: The Delphi and the Focus Group. Beyond their description, this unit will be complemented with exercises based on experience of Focus & Delphi group work.  


May, 2015
S&RA: Safety and Reliability Analysis [VC-R21]
Lecturer: Gopika Vinod
May 26 - 29, 2015 tentative

This course presents the basic theory for safety and reliability analysis. The starting point is definition and discussion of basic concepts related to reliability and risk analysis. Then qualitative techniques like functional analysis, FMECA and identification and evaluation of faults and hazards are introduced. The next step is to introduce familiar quantification techniques like reliability block diagrams, fault- and event tree analysis, and Markov methods. Special attention is paid to safety-critical systems (IEC 61508) where analysis of systems with common cause failures is important. The course ends with methods for estimation of failure rates and a survey of reliability data sources.


IRM: Innovation Risk Management [IVC-R36]
Lecturer: Flor Angela Quintero
May 22, 2015 tentative

The development of new products and technologies is a risky and uncertain process. The success of the new technology does not lie just in the invention part or in the generation of innovative ideas, but also in the successful management of the innovation process from an idea to products and services in the market. The management of innovation is a process - described in this course - which includes a disciplined, stage-by-stage approval process combined with regular measurement of every critical factor, ranging from the capability of the product to reach the target characteristics to success in the market. The TRL (Technology Readiness Level) assessment is done as practical example on several cases from industry.


ISO 31010: ISO 31010 Principles and Management [VIII-R41]
Lecturer: Aleksandar S. Jovanovic
May 21, 2015

The course deals with the issues related to practical implementation of ISO/IEC 31010 standard 31010:2009 (codified by The International Organization for Standardization and The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)). The standard itself intends to provide support for implementation of the main, ISO 31000 standard, giving principles of risk assessment and the risk management process. The course provides information as to the selection and application of the risk assessment techniques tackled in the standards and gives examples of application of single methods/techniques in engineering, insurance, finances and general risk analysis.

The emphasis of the course is on new and alternative methods (e.g. those expert opinion or big data oriented), which can be used for better identifying the risks and the reason for their occurrence, as well as for better assessing the probabilities and factors determining the consequences.


ISO31000: ISO 31000 Principles and Management [IVC-R32]
Lecturers: Frank Herdmann, Aleksandar S. Jovanovic
May 20, 2015

The course covers the International Standard of ISO 31000:2009 highlighting the relationship between the risk management principles, framework and process as described in this International Standard. The course also highlights issues related to the applicability of the standard in industry and in general.


RBICon: API RBI Concepts in Industry [VA-R28]
Lecturer: Gopika Vinod
May 18, 2015

The focus of the course is set on the standard of American Petroleum Institute API 581 (API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 581:2008 Risk-Based Inspection Technology) and its application in petrochemical industry. The course elaborates the basic concepts of API 581 and explains the principles of Risk Based Inspection. This methodology encompasses techniques such as Probability of failure, Consequence of failure, Risk analysis and Inspection planning based on Risk Analysis.


RCM&RCFA: Reliability Centered Maintenance and Root Cause Failure Analysis [II-R05]
Lecturers: Pertti Auerkari, Aleksandar S. Jovanovic, Karl Maile
May 11 - 15, 2015

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) and Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA) are methodologies used for logical decision-making process for analysis and definition of the equipment maintenance requirements, as well as for accident prevention. The focus of the course is on the damage mechanisms appearing in different industries. A large number of well elaborated examples is included.


PETRO: Risk Analysis in Petrochemical Industry [I-R02]
Lecturer: Pertti Auerkari
May 4 - 7, 2015

The petroleum industry is changing rapidly, challenging organizations and individuals to keep pace and distinguish opportunity from understanding, assessing and managing risk. This course presents current global and regional issues of risk analysis in petrochemical industries. Topics include risk aspects and methods for hazard identification, probability and consequences analysis, risk assessment, and health, safety and environment issues related to petrochemical industries.


POWER: Risk Analysis in Power Industry [I-R03]
May 4 - 8, 2015
Knowledge of risk analysis applied specifically in power industry, starting with advantages and effectiveness of its application. It presents the regulatory basis and requirements, and elaborate commonly used methods through number of examples.

April, 2015
RBI-POWER: Risk Based Inspection - Power [II-R04b]
April 20 - 24, 2015

This course offers the state-of-the art knowledge of risk-based approaches currently applied in power generation industries. It highlights different levels of risk assessment and how to model consequences, as well as how to assess likelihood using statistical and other approaches. It goes deeper in risk sources including specific damage mechanisms commonly present in power plants. As an outcome, attendees will know how to optimize the inspection and monitoring strategy aimed to reduce risks and they will be able to optimize inspection plans and use inspection results in the risk management process of a power plant.


March, 2015
INTRO: Introduction to Risk Management [I-R01]
March 2 - 6, 2015

The course covers the main topics of industrial safety, starting with different aspects of risks and terminology used in the field. The main part of the course is dedicated to the related EU directives and their application in industry. The course outlines goals, scope and required measures / obligations considering acute (e.g. accidents-related) and chronic (e.g. pollution-related) risks. Special attention is devoted to major accident prevention and related process safety risk assessment methodologies.


November, 2014
OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health [IIIC-R12]
Lecturers: Joachim Freek, Joachim Freek
November 14 - 15, 2014
The course aims to explain the EU regulations in the field of safety and health of workers at work. Main topics include general principles concerning the prevention of occupational risks, the protection of safety and health, the elimination of risk and accident factors, general guidelines for the implementation of these principles as well as the  the informing, consultation and balanced participation in accordance with national laws and/or practices. The course also discusses the training of workers and their representatives.

ADR: Transport of Dangerous Materials [IIIC-R11]
Lecturer: Joachim Freek
November 12 - 13, 2014
The course covers international and EU policies and legislative requirements related to the transport of dangerous materials and explains the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods. It elaborates the main issues from ADR 2013 as well as safety measures and procedures in case of accidents.

REACH: Risk Analysis of Chemicals [IIIC-R10]
Lecturer: Joachim Freek
November 10 - 11, 2014
The course aims to explain principles of the EU regulation in the area of registration, evaluation and authorization of chemicals – REACH (EC Nr. 1907/2006). It gives an explanation of the principles and obligations for manufacturers, importers and downstream users to ensure that the manufacturing, placing on the market or the using of such substances do not adversely affect human health or the environment.

iCSR&S: Integrated Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability [IVA-R14]
November 8, 2014

The course presents basic elements of the concept of Corporate (Social) Responsibility (CSR) and its practical application in industry. It starts with key elements of the CSR, focuses on CSR methodologies and tools and on the technology related aspects as a part of the modern practices of industry (HSE, HSSE). Analysis/comparison of the practices in the EU, US and other countries and relevant data and information on best practices worldwide are elaborated, including a number of relevant case studies from the key industries and references to main sources of relevant data and information. A particular unit of the course is dedicated to the ISO 26000 standard.


EmRISK: Emerging Risks [IVA-R17]
November 8, 2014

The course introduces and transfers knowledge on emerging risks and management of emerging risks. The risks considered as "emerging" are primarily the risks previously not recognized as such, e.g. the risks due to new processes, new technologies, new ways of working or risks due to social or organizational changes (the risks linked to nanotechnologies, bio-technology, new chemicals, outsourcing, globalization are practical examples tackled within the course). The risks due to the change in public perception or new scientific knowledge are considered as well.


ISO 31010: ISO 31010 Principles and Management [VIII-R41]
Lecturers: Frank Herdmann, Aleksandar S. Jovanovic, Udo Weis
November 5, 2014

The course deals with the issues related to practical implementation of ISO/IEC 31010 standard 31010:2009 (codified by The International Organization for Standardization and The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)). The standard itself intends to provide support for implementation of the main, ISO 31000 standard, giving principles of risk assessment and the risk management process. The course provides information as to the selection and application of the risk assessment techniques tackled in the standards and gives examples of application of single methods/techniques in engineering, insurance, finances and general risk analysis.

The emphasis of the course is on new and alternative methods (e.g. those expert opinion or big data oriented), which can be used for better identifying the risks and the reason for their occurrence, as well as for better assessing the probabilities and factors determining the consequences.


ISO31000: ISO 31000 Principles and Management [IVC-R32]
Lecturers: Frank Herdmann, Aleksandar S. Jovanovic, Udo Weis
November 4 - 5, 2014

The course covers the International Standard of ISO 31000:2009 highlighting the relationship between the risk management principles, framework and process as described in this International Standard. The course also highlights issues related to the applicability of the standard in industry and in general.


June, 2014
RBI PoF: RBI Probability of Failure - Damage Factors [VB-R33]
June 13, 2014
The focus of the course is on the damage mechanisms appearing in different industries and their influence to the calculation of probability of failure of equipment. A large number of well elaborated examples are included.

RBI PoF: RBI Probability of Failure - Damage Factors [VB-R33]
Lecturers: Svetozar Eremic, Petar Stanojević
June 12, 2014
The focus of the course is on the damage mechanisms appearing in different industries and their influence to the calculation of probability of failure of equipment. A large number of well elaborated examples are included.

BasicRIMAP: CWA 15740 RIMAP - The Basics [VB-R31]
Lecturers: Svetozar Eremic, Petar Stanojević
June 11, 2014
The focus of the course is given to the document, CWA (CEN Workshop Agreement) 15740: 2008, Risk-Based Inspection and Maintenance Procedures for European Industry (RIMAP). It aims to explain reasons to develop the European procedure, differences and advantages in comparison to API RBI methodology.

CAA: Consequence Analysis in an API RBI Assessment [VB-R30]
Lecturers: Svetozar Eremic, Petar Stanojević
June 10, 2014
This course teaches how to calculate the consequence of failure as defined by API RP 581:2008 Risk-Based Inspection Technology. The course starts with general definitions aiming to ensure better understanding of the main topics of the course. Methodology for calculation is always illustrated with examples.

P&C: Probability and Consequence of Failure of Equipment [VA-R29]
Lecturers: Svetozar Eremic, Petar Stanojević
June 9, 2014
The focus of the course is given to the RBI approach to the inspection planning in petrochemical industry as defined by the standard of American Petroleum Institute API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 581:2008 Risk-Based Inspection Technology (API 581).
The course provides quantitative procedures to establish an inspection program for pressurized fixed equipment by using risk-based methods. The procedure includes calculation of probability and consequence of failure, risk analysis and inspection planning based on the assessed risk. The pressurized fixed equipments covered by this course are pressure vessels, piping, tankage, pressure relief devices and heat exchanger tube bundles.

May, 2014
LCA: Life Cycle Analysis and Assessment [IVB-R16]
Lecturer: Marko Gerbec
May 26 - 30, 2014

The course gives the participants opportunity to improve the knowledge about the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and to gain the skills to perform simplified LCA studies and to analyze, discuss and comment international scientific articles on LCA. The course provides a comprehensive overview of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Life Cycle Costing (LCC), International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) and European Reference Life Cycle Data System (ELCD). The focus will be on practical examples of applying LCA in industry and improving the environmental performance and sustainability of products and services.


RCM&RCFA: Reliability Centered Maintenance and Root Cause Failure Analysis [II-R05]
Lecturer: Aleksandar S. Jovanovic
May 15 - 16, 2014

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) and Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA) are methodologies used for logical decision-making process for analysis and definition of the equipment maintenance requirements, as well as for accident prevention. The focus of the course is on the damage mechanisms appearing in different industries. A large number of well elaborated examples is included.


PubHealth: Public Health Oriented Risk Analysis [VA-R27]
Lecturer: Snežana Jovanovic
May 3, 2014
The course covers the main topics of health oriented risk analysis with different aspects of risks and terminology used in the field. The main part of the course is dedicated to the related actions used in overall analysis (assessment, perception, communication etc.). Furthermore, the course is illustrated by a number of examples, presents commonly used methods, in particular the issues like (1) Basics of Risk: Analysis, Assessment and Management, (2) Risk Analysis in Perspective (Measures of Risk), (3) Dose-Response Functions, (4) Risk Perception and Communication, (5) Variability and Uncertainty, (6) Cumulative Risk Assessment, (7) Risk Assessment, Management and Law and (8) Application to Public Health- WHO Methodology.

EmRISK: Emerging Risks [IVA-R17]
Lecturers: Snežana Jovanovic, Reto Schneider
May 2, 2014

The course introduces and transfers knowledge on emerging risks and management of emerging risks. The risks considered as "emerging" are primarily the risks previously not recognized as such, e.g. the risks due to new processes, new technologies, new ways of working or risks due to social or organizational changes (the risks linked to nanotechnologies, bio-technology, new chemicals, outsourcing, globalization are practical examples tackled within the course). The risks due to the change in public perception or new scientific knowledge are considered as well.


HSSE: Health, Safety, Security and Environment [IIIA-R06]
Lecturer: Andrea Menne
May 1, 2014

The course gives an overview of EU regulation in the field of HSSE (Health, Safety, Security and Environment), explains the objectives and requirements, as well as the state-of-the art in the implementation including constraints and advantages. Special focus is on the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) and Industrial Emission Directive (IED) and on the prevention of major accidents (Seveso).


April, 2014
RGOV: Risk Governance [IVA-R15]
Lecturer: Aleksandar S. Jovanovic
April 30, 2014

The course explains principles of modern risk governance including its main elements as described in the IRGC framework: a) pre-assessment, b) risk appraisal, c) risk characterization and evaluation d) risk management and e-risk communication. Apart from each of the elements (e.g. under "Risk Assessment": hazard identification and estimation, exposure and vulnerability assessment, risk estimation, exposure and social concerns, socio-economic impacts) the examples from industrial practice will be shown and explained. A separate part of the course will be dedicated to the overview of specific methods and techniques (e.g. Delphi), as well as to the tools and instruments facilitating the application by industry, governments and public bodies.


iCSR&S: Integrated Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability [IVA-R14]
Lecturer: Aleksandar S. Jovanovic
April 30, 2014

The course presents basic elements of the concept of Corporate (Social) Responsibility (CSR) and its practical application in industry. It starts with key elements of the CSR, focuses on CSR methodologies and tools and on the technology related aspects as a part of the modern practices of industry (HSE, HSSE). Analysis/comparison of the practices in the EU, US and other countries and relevant data and information on best practices worldwide are elaborated, including a number of relevant case studies from the key industries and references to main sources of relevant data and information. A particular unit of the course is dedicated to the ISO 26000 standard.


BUSINESS: Business Continuity Risks & Insurance [IVB-R13]
Lecturer: Dirk Linowski
April 28 - 29, 2014
Complement other courses devoted to technical and engineering issues of risk management in industrial plants (petrochemical plants, process industry, power plants, etc.). Technical risks in the above plants can be a cause or a contributing factor in/for the business continuity and the final outcome of the technical/engineering activities is practically always to be seen on the background of business implications and implications/impacts to the business activities of a company. The insurance aspects are the most relevant practical aspect linking the engineering and business side of the company operation and asset management: therefore these will be tackled, too.

POWER: Risk Analysis in Power Industry [I-R03]
Lecturers: Jörg Bareiß, Marko Gerbec
April 7 - 11, 2014
Knowledge of risk analysis applied specifically in power industry, starting with advantages and effectiveness of its application. It presents the regulatory basis and requirements, and elaborate commonly used methods through number of examples.

March, 2014
CAA: Consequence Analysis in an API RBI Assessment [VB-R30]
March 18, 2014
This course teaches how to calculate the consequence of failure as defined by API RP 581:2008 Risk-Based Inspection Technology. The course starts with general definitions aiming to ensure better understanding of the main topics of the course. Methodology for calculation is always illustrated with examples.

RBI PoF: RBI Probability of Failure - Damage Factors [VB-R33]
March 18, 2014
The focus of the course is on the damage mechanisms appearing in different industries and their influence to the calculation of probability of failure of equipment. A large number of well elaborated examples are included.

P&C: Probability and Consequence of Failure of Equipment [VA-R29]
March 17, 2014
The focus of the course is given to the RBI approach to the inspection planning in petrochemical industry as defined by the standard of American Petroleum Institute API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 581:2008 Risk-Based Inspection Technology (API 581).
The course provides quantitative procedures to establish an inspection program for pressurized fixed equipment by using risk-based methods. The procedure includes calculation of probability and consequence of failure, risk analysis and inspection planning based on the assessed risk. The pressurized fixed equipments covered by this course are pressure vessels, piping, tankage, pressure relief devices and heat exchanger tube bundles.

RBICon: API RBI Concepts in Industry [VA-R28]
March 14, 2014

The focus of the course is set on the standard of American Petroleum Institute API 581 (API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 581:2008 Risk-Based Inspection Technology) and its application in petrochemical industry. The course elaborates the basic concepts of API 581 and explains the principles of Risk Based Inspection. This methodology encompasses techniques such as Probability of failure, Consequence of failure, Risk analysis and Inspection planning based on Risk Analysis.


BasicRIMAP: CWA 15740 RIMAP - The Basics [VB-R31]
March 14, 2014
The focus of the course is given to the document, CWA (CEN Workshop Agreement) 15740: 2008, Risk-Based Inspection and Maintenance Procedures for European Industry (RIMAP). It aims to explain reasons to develop the European procedure, differences and advantages in comparison to API RBI methodology.

ISO31000: ISO 31000 Principles and Management [IVC-R32]
March 13, 2014

The course covers the International Standard of ISO 31000:2009 highlighting the relationship between the risk management principles, framework and process as described in this International Standard. The course also highlights issues related to the applicability of the standard in industry and in general.


CoF: Accident and Consequences Modeling [IIIA-R07]
Lecturers: Marko Gerbec, Ulrich Krause
March 10 - 14, 2014

The course deals with accident and consequences modeling in industry. Three main topics are covered by the course: modeling of explosion, fire modeling and industrial fires. The modeling is elaborated by explaining general techniques and illustrated by examples of applied methods: CDF model, Baker-Strehlow-Tang model, Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) model, as well as Phenomenological and Stoichiometric models. Attendees will not only be able to differentiate between fire and explosion, but also know how to do simple calculations of consequence with an appropriate comprehension of explosion mechanism and fire principles.


February, 2014
RBI-POWER: Risk Based Inspection - Power [II-R04b]
Lecturer: Pertti Auerkari
February 17 - 21, 2014

This course offers the state-of-the art knowledge of risk-based approaches currently applied in power generation industries. It highlights different levels of risk assessment and how to model consequences, as well as how to assess likelihood using statistical and other approaches. It goes deeper in risk sources including specific damage mechanisms commonly present in power plants. As an outcome, attendees will know how to optimize the inspection and monitoring strategy aimed to reduce risks and they will be able to optimize inspection plans and use inspection results in the risk management process of a power plant.


RBI-POWER: Risk Based Inspection - Power [II-R04b]
Lecturer: Pertti Auerkari
February 17 - 21, 2014

This course offers the state-of-the art knowledge of risk-based approaches currently applied in power generation industries. It highlights different levels of risk assessment and how to model consequences, as well as how to assess likelihood using statistical and other approaches. It goes deeper in risk sources including specific damage mechanisms commonly present in power plants. As an outcome, attendees will know how to optimize the inspection and monitoring strategy aimed to reduce risks and they will be able to optimize inspection plans and use inspection results in the risk management process of a power plant.


P&C: Probability and Consequence of Failure of Equipment [VA-R29]
Lecturer: Petar Stanojević
February 12, 2014 tentative
The focus of the course is given to the RBI approach to the inspection planning in petrochemical industry as defined by the standard of American Petroleum Institute API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 581:2008 Risk-Based Inspection Technology (API 581).
The course provides quantitative procedures to establish an inspection program for pressurized fixed equipment by using risk-based methods. The procedure includes calculation of probability and consequence of failure, risk analysis and inspection planning based on the assessed risk. The pressurized fixed equipments covered by this course are pressure vessels, piping, tankage, pressure relief devices and heat exchanger tube bundles.

RBICon: API RBI Concepts in Industry [VA-R28]
Lecturer: Petar Stanojević
February 11, 2014 tentative

The focus of the course is set on the standard of American Petroleum Institute API 581 (API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 581:2008 Risk-Based Inspection Technology) and its application in petrochemical industry. The course elaborates the basic concepts of API 581 and explains the principles of Risk Based Inspection. This methodology encompasses techniques such as Probability of failure, Consequence of failure, Risk analysis and Inspection planning based on Risk Analysis.


ISO31000: ISO 31000 Principles and Management [IVC-R32]
Lecturer: Aleksandar S. Jovanovic
February 10, 2014 tentative

The course covers the International Standard of ISO 31000:2009 highlighting the relationship between the risk management principles, framework and process as described in this International Standard. The course also highlights issues related to the applicability of the standard in industry and in general.


RBI-PETRO: Risk Based Inspection - Petro [II-R04a]
Lecturer: Robert Kauer
February 10 - 14, 2014

The course elaborates on risk issues in petrochemical industries and explains principles of risk-based inspection. It deals with existing risk-based approaches and gives links to applied codes and standards. The focus of the course is on main reference documents of American Petroleum Institute: Recommended Practice for Risk-Based Inspection (API RP 580) and Base Resource Document on RBI (API Publication 581) API 581.


January, 2014
INTRO: Introduction to Risk Management [I-R01]
Lecturer: Marko Gerbec
January 20 - 24, 2014

The course covers the main topics of industrial safety, starting with different aspects of risks and terminology used in the field. The main part of the course is dedicated to the related EU directives and their application in industry. The course outlines goals, scope and required measures / obligations considering acute (e.g. accidents-related) and chronic (e.g. pollution-related) risks. Special attention is devoted to major accident prevention and related process safety risk assessment methodologies.


November, 2013
LCA: Life Cycle Analysis and Assessment [IVB-R16]
Lecturer: Leo Breedveld
November 11 - 15, 2013

The course gives the participants opportunity to improve the knowledge about the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and to gain the skills to perform simplified LCA studies and to analyze, discuss and comment international scientific articles on LCA. The course provides a comprehensive overview of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Life Cycle Costing (LCC), International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) and European Reference Life Cycle Data System (ELCD). The focus will be on practical examples of applying LCA in industry and improving the environmental performance and sustainability of products and services.


October, 2013
P&C: Probability and Consequence of Failure of Equipment [VA-R29]
Lecturers: Svetozar Eremic, Petar Stanojević
October 25, 2013
The focus of the course is given to the RBI approach to the inspection planning in petrochemical industry as defined by the standard of American Petroleum Institute API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 581:2008 Risk-Based Inspection Technology (API 581).
The course provides quantitative procedures to establish an inspection program for pressurized fixed equipment by using risk-based methods. The procedure includes calculation of probability and consequence of failure, risk analysis and inspection planning based on the assessed risk. The pressurized fixed equipments covered by this course are pressure vessels, piping, tankage, pressure relief devices and heat exchanger tube bundles.

CAA: Consequence Analysis in an API RBI Assessment [VB-R30]
Lecturer: Svetozar Eremic
October 24, 2013
This course teaches how to calculate the consequence of failure as defined by API RP 581:2008 Risk-Based Inspection Technology. The course starts with general definitions aiming to ensure better understanding of the main topics of the course. Methodology for calculation is always illustrated with examples.

RBI PoF: RBI Probability of Failure - Damage Factors [VB-R33]
October 22, 2013
The focus of the course is on the damage mechanisms appearing in different industries and their influence to the calculation of probability of failure of equipment. A large number of well elaborated examples are included.

BasicRIMAP: CWA 15740 RIMAP - The Basics [VB-R31]
Lecturers: Svetozar Eremic, Petar Stanojević
October 21, 2013
The focus of the course is given to the document, CWA (CEN Workshop Agreement) 15740: 2008, Risk-Based Inspection and Maintenance Procedures for European Industry (RIMAP). It aims to explain reasons to develop the European procedure, differences and advantages in comparison to API RBI methodology.

September, 2013
RBI-POWER: Risk Based Inspection - Power [II-R04b]
Lecturer: Pertti Auerkari
September 30 - October 4, 2013

This course offers the state-of-the art knowledge of risk-based approaches currently applied in power generation industries. It highlights different levels of risk assessment and how to model consequences, as well as how to assess likelihood using statistical and other approaches. It goes deeper in risk sources including specific damage mechanisms commonly present in power plants. As an outcome, attendees will know how to optimize the inspection and monitoring strategy aimed to reduce risks and they will be able to optimize inspection plans and use inspection results in the risk management process of a power plant.


POWER: Risk Analysis in Power Industry [I-R03]
Lecturer: Stefan Zickler
September 2 - 6, 2013
Knowledge of risk analysis applied specifically in power industry, starting with advantages and effectiveness of its application. It presents the regulatory basis and requirements, and elaborate commonly used methods through number of examples.

August, 2013
CoF: Accident and Consequences Modeling [IIIA-R07]
Lecturer: Ulrich Krause
August 5 - 8, 2013

The course deals with accident and consequences modeling in industry. Three main topics are covered by the course: modeling of explosion, fire modeling and industrial fires. The modeling is elaborated by explaining general techniques and illustrated by examples of applied methods: CDF model, Baker-Strehlow-Tang model, Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) model, as well as Phenomenological and Stoichiometric models. Attendees will not only be able to differentiate between fire and explosion, but also know how to do simple calculations of consequence with an appropriate comprehension of explosion mechanism and fire principles.


July, 2013
RBI-POWER: Risk Based Inspection - Power [II-R04b]
Lecturers: Jörg Bareiß, Aleksandar S. Jovanovic
July 15 - 19, 2013

This course offers the state-of-the art knowledge of risk-based approaches currently applied in power generation industries. It highlights different levels of risk assessment and how to model consequences, as well as how to assess likelihood using statistical and other approaches. It goes deeper in risk sources including specific damage mechanisms commonly present in power plants. As an outcome, attendees will know how to optimize the inspection and monitoring strategy aimed to reduce risks and they will be able to optimize inspection plans and use inspection results in the risk management process of a power plant.


INTRO: Introduction to Risk Management [I-R01]
Lecturer: Marko Gerbec
July 8 - 12, 2013

The course covers the main topics of industrial safety, starting with different aspects of risks and terminology used in the field. The main part of the course is dedicated to the related EU directives and their application in industry. The course outlines goals, scope and required measures / obligations considering acute (e.g. accidents-related) and chronic (e.g. pollution-related) risks. Special attention is devoted to major accident prevention and related process safety risk assessment methodologies.


iCSR&S: Integrated Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability [IVA-R14]
July 8 - 10, 2013

The course presents basic elements of the concept of Corporate (Social) Responsibility (CSR) and its practical application in industry. It starts with key elements of the CSR, focuses on CSR methodologies and tools and on the technology related aspects as a part of the modern practices of industry (HSE, HSSE). Analysis/comparison of the practices in the EU, US and other countries and relevant data and information on best practices worldwide are elaborated, including a number of relevant case studies from the key industries and references to main sources of relevant data and information. A particular unit of the course is dedicated to the ISO 26000 standard.


June, 2013
KPI: Concepts and Applications of Key Performance Indicators for New Technologies [VF-R40]
June 25 - 26, 2013
The course addresses the issue of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as used in the safety and risk assessment, in particular for assessing and managing emerging risks linked to New Technologies. Main concepts developed by organizations like OECD, API, HSE/HSL, CCPS or VCI are presented in detail. Application of these and other concepts, as well as the corresponding guidelines, are discussed in the second part of the course, where also the practical aspects of these applications, including tools and practical views from industry on the use of indicators are presented and discussed.

INTRO: Introduction to Risk Management [I-R01]
June 3, 2013

The course covers the main topics of industrial safety, starting with different aspects of risks and terminology used in the field. The main part of the course is dedicated to the related EU directives and their application in industry. The course outlines goals, scope and required measures / obligations considering acute (e.g. accidents-related) and chronic (e.g. pollution-related) risks. Special attention is devoted to major accident prevention and related process safety risk assessment methodologies.


May, 2013
POWER: Risk Analysis in Power Industry [I-R03]
May 28 - 29, 2013
Knowledge of risk analysis applied specifically in power industry, starting with advantages and effectiveness of its application. It presents the regulatory basis and requirements, and elaborate commonly used methods through number of examples.

BUSINESS: Business Continuity Risks & Insurance [IVB-R13]
Lecturer: Dirk Linowski
May 21 - 23, 2013
Complement other courses devoted to technical and engineering issues of risk management in industrial plants (petrochemical plants, process industry, power plants, etc.). Technical risks in the above plants can be a cause or a contributing factor in/for the business continuity and the final outcome of the technical/engineering activities is practically always to be seen on the background of business implications and implications/impacts to the business activities of a company. The insurance aspects are the most relevant practical aspect linking the engineering and business side of the company operation and asset management: therefore these will be tackled, too.

CoF: Accident and Consequences Modeling [IIIA-R07]
May 20, 2013

The course deals with accident and consequences modeling in industry. Three main topics are covered by the course: modeling of explosion, fire modeling and industrial fires. The modeling is elaborated by explaining general techniques and illustrated by examples of applied methods: CDF model, Baker-Strehlow-Tang model, Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) model, as well as Phenomenological and Stoichiometric models. Attendees will not only be able to differentiate between fire and explosion, but also know how to do simple calculations of consequence with an appropriate comprehension of explosion mechanism and fire principles.


ISO31000: ISO 31000 Principles and Management [IVC-R32]
Lecturer: Aleksandar S. Jovanovic
May 20, 2013 | 252.1 €

The course covers the International Standard of ISO 31000:2009 highlighting the relationship between the risk management principles, framework and process as described in this International Standard. The course also highlights issues related to the applicability of the standard in industry and in general.


IRP: Industrial Risk Psychology [VE-R38]
Lecturer: George Claudiu Apostol
May 13 - 17, 2013 | 500 €

Industrial Risk Psychology is the scientific study of employees, workplaces, and organizational risks. Industrial Risk Psychology (IRP) contributes to an organization's success by improving the performance and well-being of its people and technological process. An IRP psychologist researches and identifies how risks can improve behaviors and attitudes by using risks through hiring practices, training programs, and feedback systems. IRP psychologists also help organizations' transition among periods of change and development.


Use of iNTeg-Risk tools [VI-R42]
May 10, 2013
Training about the iNTeg-Risk tools developed within the scope of the project, such as the One-Stop-Shop, including RiskEars, RiskAtlas, RiskRadar, RiskTweet, RiskTicker, etc.
INTRO: Introduction to Risk Management [I-R01]
May 8, 2013

The course covers the main topics of industrial safety, starting with different aspects of risks and terminology used in the field. The main part of the course is dedicated to the related EU directives and their application in industry. The course outlines goals, scope and required measures / obligations considering acute (e.g. accidents-related) and chronic (e.g. pollution-related) risks. Special attention is devoted to major accident prevention and related process safety risk assessment methodologies.


VA&PA: Vulnerability Analysis and Return on Prevention Analysis [VE-R37]
Lecturer: Stefan Kovacs
May 6 - 10, 2013 | 500 €
Vulnerability Analysis is a prerequisite to a risk assessment. Coupled with return on prevention analysis it could serve as an essential step in risk management and future scenarios development, giving managers and risk specialists a powerful decision assisting tool. This course aims to build up competences regarding vulnerability analysis in industry based on the current best practice in EU, as well as to provide basic knowledge regarding Return on Prevention Vulnerability analysis. Return on Prevention assessment gives the efficiency of the money and resources invested. The course presents the latest methodologies and instruments and also the latest stage of art.

April, 2013
DAA: Decision Aid Approaches for Risk Management [VF-R39]
Lecturer: Chabane Mazri
April 22 - 26, 2013
Decision making is a process where multiple factors interact to shape the final outcome. Those factors can be technical, informational, emotional/psychological, cultural… Nevertheless, the limited rationality of economic operators makes the decision exercise more and more difficult in a more and more complex world. Safety management requires short, mid and long term decisions that may highly influence the ability of the organization to cope with its risks.

BC&M: Business Communication and Management of Intercultural Differences [IVC-R19]
Lecturer: Aleksandar S. Jovanovic
April 17, 2013 | 500 €

In the times of ever increasing globalization, cultural differences and multilingual issues play an important role in the area of business communication which can easily fail on apparently banal issues. This could be of particular importance also in collaborative international projects. A cognitive approach toward cultural and national differences will be used throughout the training.


TRA: Transportation Risk Assessment [VD-R35]
Lecturers: Giacomo Antonioni, Gabriele Landucci, Giuseppe Maschio
April 15 - 19, 2013 | 500 €
The aim of the course is the introduction to transportation risk analysis. The risk assessment of road, rail and pipeline transportation of hazardous substances will be illustrated. The approaches to frequency calculation, consequence assessment and risk assessment will be discussed. Case-studies will be analyzed to illustrate the calculation and the use of individual, societal and other advanced risk indexes.


QRA&A: Quantitative Risk Assessment and Advanced Applications [VD-R26]
Lecturers: Valerio Cozzani, Ernesto Salzano, Alessandro Tugnoli
April 8 - 12, 2013 | 420.17 € | 3 CPs

The course presents an introduction to Quantitative Risk Analysis, thus illustrating the necessary steps for the calculation of risk indexes.

Practical approach to frequency calculation and consequence assessment, including vulnerability models, will be discussed. A specific focus on domino effect and accidents triggered by Natural-Technological (Na-Tech) events will be presented.


ExP: Explosion Protection [IIIB-R09]
April 4 - 5, 2013
The EU directive ATEX is presented in details, along with the principles of explosion prevention and protection. Its practical application in the industrial plants is explained on a series of real life examples.

CoF: Accident and Consequences Modeling [IIIA-R07]
April 2 - 3, 2013

The course deals with accident and consequences modeling in industry. Three main topics are covered by the course: modeling of explosion, fire modeling and industrial fires. The modeling is elaborated by explaining general techniques and illustrated by examples of applied methods: CDF model, Baker-Strehlow-Tang model, Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) model, as well as Phenomenological and Stoichiometric models. Attendees will not only be able to differentiate between fire and explosion, but also know how to do simple calculations of consequence with an appropriate comprehension of explosion mechanism and fire principles.


March, 2013
RP&C: Risk Perception and Risk Communication [VC-R34]
Lecturer: Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg
March 4 - 8, 2013 | 1500 €

This course presents theoretical backgrounds and state-of-the-art research issues on perception and communication of risk. It aims to provide a solid basis for further developments of such work tasks by including theoretical achievements in the related fields, various examples from field work, and an internal training exercise. The understanding of communication processes and the improving of information and communication techniques related to risk and hazards are central themes of the course. The course will also provide insight into selected historical aspects as well as current topics and literature. 

In order to facilitate the bridge between theory and practice, a special attention will be given to two methodologies that enable the implementation of Risk Perception and Risk Communication concepts: The Delphi and the Focus Group. Beyond their description, this unit will be complemented with exercises based on experience of Focus & Delphi group work.  


February, 2013
FIRE: Fire Protection [IIIB-R08]
Lecturer: Ulrich Krause
February 18 - 22, 2013 | 500 €
The course starts with the theory of fire and extinguishment, and thoroughly explains fire protection principles. Further, the course gives details related to the fire protection concepts including legal background and requirements with special focus on industrial fires and risk analysis. The course introduces basic principles and application of fire modeling, explains the phenomenon of a fire and gives an overview of the fire models and their hierarchy and discusses particular models, including numerical. The theoretical part is complemented with number of examples, including calculations, that illustrate the use of different fire models.

S&RA: Safety and Reliability Analysis [VC-R21]
Lecturer: Jørn Vatn
February 4 - 8, 2013 | 1500 €

This course presents the basic theory for safety and reliability analysis. The starting point is definition and discussion of basic concepts related to reliability and risk analysis. Then qualitative techniques like functional analysis, FMECA and identification and evaluation of faults and hazards are introduced. The next step is to introduce familiar quantification techniques like reliability block diagrams, fault- and event tree analysis, and Markov methods. Special attention is paid to safety-critical systems (IEC 61508) where analysis of systems with common cause failures is important. The course ends with methods for estimation of failure rates and a survey of reliability data sources.


January, 2013
iCSR&S: Integrated Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability [IVA-R14]
Lecturer: Aleksandar, S. Jovanovic
January 17 - 19, 2013 | 500 €

The course presents basic elements of the concept of Corporate (Social) Responsibility (CSR) and its practical application in industry. It starts with key elements of the CSR, focuses on CSR methodologies and tools and on the technology related aspects as a part of the modern practices of industry (HSE, HSSE). Analysis/comparison of the practices in the EU, US and other countries and relevant data and information on best practices worldwide are elaborated, including a number of relevant case studies from the key industries and references to main sources of relevant data and information. A particular unit of the course is dedicated to the ISO 26000 standard.


HSSE: Health, Safety, Security and Environment [IIIA-R06]
Lecturer: Olivier Salvi
January 14 - 17, 2013 | 500 €

The course gives an overview of EU regulation in the field of HSSE (Health, Safety, Security and Environment), explains the objectives and requirements, as well as the state-of-the art in the implementation including constraints and advantages. Special focus is on the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) and Industrial Emission Directive (IED) and on the prevention of major accidents (Seveso).


December, 2012
RCM&RCFA: Reliability Centered Maintenance and Root Cause Failure Analysis [II-R05]
Lecturer: Daniel Baloš
December 7 - 10, 2012

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) and Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA) are methodologies used for logical decision-making process for analysis and definition of the equipment maintenance requirements, as well as for accident prevention. The focus of the course is on the damage mechanisms appearing in different industries. A large number of well elaborated examples is included.


IRM: Innovation Risk Management [IVC-R36]
Lecturer: Daniel Baloš
December 5, 2012

The development of new products and technologies is a risky and uncertain process. The success of the new technology does not lie just in the invention part or in the generation of innovative ideas, but also in the successful management of the innovation process from an idea to products and services in the market. The management of innovation is a process - described in this course - which includes a disciplined, stage-by-stage approval process combined with regular measurement of every critical factor, ranging from the capability of the product to reach the target characteristics to success in the market. The TRL (Technology Readiness Level) assessment is done as practical example on several cases from industry.


November, 2012
RBI-PETRO: Risk Based Inspection - Petro [II-R04a]
Lecturer: Daniel Baloš
November 17 - 18, 2012

The course elaborates on risk issues in petrochemical industries and explains principles of risk-based inspection. It deals with existing risk-based approaches and gives links to applied codes and standards. The focus of the course is on main reference documents of American Petroleum Institute: Recommended Practice for Risk-Based Inspection (API RP 580) and Base Resource Document on RBI (API Publication 581) API 581.


EmRISK: Emerging Risks [IVA-R17]
Lecturer: Aleksandar, S. Jovanovic
November 10 - 11, 2012

The course introduces and transfers knowledge on emerging risks and management of emerging risks. The risks considered as "emerging" are primarily the risks previously not recognized as such, e.g. the risks due to new processes, new technologies, new ways of working or risks due to social or organizational changes (the risks linked to nanotechnologies, bio-technology, new chemicals, outsourcing, globalization are practical examples tackled within the course). The risks due to the change in public perception or new scientific knowledge are considered as well.


October, 2012
LCA: Life Cycle Analysis and Assessment [IVB-R16]
Lecturer: Leo Breedveld
October 15 - 19, 2012

The course gives the participants opportunity to improve the knowledge about the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and to gain the skills to perform simplified LCA studies and to analyze, discuss and comment international scientific articles on LCA. The course provides a comprehensive overview of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Life Cycle Costing (LCC), International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) and European Reference Life Cycle Data System (ELCD). The focus will be on practical examples of applying LCA in industry and improving the environmental performance and sustainability of products and services.


September, 2012
PETRO: Risk Analysis in Petrochemical Industry [I-R02]
Lecturer: Giovanni Uguccioni
September 24 - 28, 2012 | 500 €

The petroleum industry is changing rapidly, challenging organizations and individuals to keep pace and distinguish opportunity from understanding, assessing and managing risk. This course presents current global and regional issues of risk analysis in petrochemical industries. Topics include risk aspects and methods for hazard identification, probability and consequences analysis, risk assessment, and health, safety and environment issues related to petrochemical industries.


RBI PoF: RBI Probability of Failure - Damage Factors [VB-R33]
Lecturer: Petar Stanojević
September 19 - 21, 2012
The focus of the course is on the damage mechanisms appearing in different industries and their influence to the calculation of probability of failure of equipment. A large number of well elaborated examples are included.

BasicRIMAP: CWA 15740 RIMAP - The Basics [VB-R31]
Lecturer: Petar Stanojević
September 18, 2012
The focus of the course is given to the document, CWA (CEN Workshop Agreement) 15740: 2008, Risk-Based Inspection and Maintenance Procedures for European Industry (RIMAP). It aims to explain reasons to develop the European procedure, differences and advantages in comparison to API RBI methodology.

ISO31000: ISO 31000 Principles and Management [IVC-R32]
Lecturers: Aleksandar, S. Jovanovic, Petar Stanojević
September 17, 2012

The course covers the International Standard of ISO 31000:2009 highlighting the relationship between the risk management principles, framework and process as described in this International Standard. The course also highlights issues related to the applicability of the standard in industry and in general.


CAA: Consequence Analysis in an API RBI Assessment [VB-R30]
Lecturers: Daniel Baloš, Svetozar Eremić
September 14, 2012
This course teaches how to calculate the consequence of failure as defined by API RP 581:2008 Risk-Based Inspection Technology. The course starts with general definitions aiming to ensure better understanding of the main topics of the course. Methodology for calculation is always illustrated with examples.

P&C: Probability and Consequence of Failure of Equipment [VA-R29]
Lecturer: Daniel Baloš
September 13, 2012
The focus of the course is given to the RBI approach to the inspection planning in petrochemical industry as defined by the standard of American Petroleum Institute API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 581:2008 Risk-Based Inspection Technology (API 581).
The course provides quantitative procedures to establish an inspection program for pressurized fixed equipment by using risk-based methods. The procedure includes calculation of probability and consequence of failure, risk analysis and inspection planning based on the assessed risk. The pressurized fixed equipments covered by this course are pressure vessels, piping, tankage, pressure relief devices and heat exchanger tube bundles.

OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health [IIIC-R12]
Lecturer: Dolors Vinyoles
September 12 - 16, 2012
The course aims to explain the EU regulations in the field of safety and health of workers at work. Main topics include general principles concerning the prevention of occupational risks, the protection of safety and health, the elimination of risk and accident factors, general guidelines for the implementation of these principles as well as the  the informing, consultation and balanced participation in accordance with national laws and/or practices. The course also discusses the training of workers and their representatives.

RBICon: API RBI Concepts in Industry [VA-R28]
Lecturer: Daniel Baloš
September 12, 2012

The focus of the course is set on the standard of American Petroleum Institute API 581 (API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 581:2008 Risk-Based Inspection Technology) and its application in petrochemical industry. The course elaborates the basic concepts of API 581 and explains the principles of Risk Based Inspection. This methodology encompasses techniques such as Probability of failure, Consequence of failure, Risk analysis and Inspection planning based on Risk Analysis.


August, 2012
PubHealth: Public Health Oriented Risk Analysis [VA-R27]
Lecturer: Aleksandar, S. Jovanovic
August 15, 2012
The course covers the main topics of health oriented risk analysis with different aspects of risks and terminology used in the field. The main part of the course is dedicated to the related actions used in overall analysis (assessment, perception, communication etc.). Furthermore, the course is illustrated by a number of examples, presents commonly used methods, in particular the issues like (1) Basics of Risk: Analysis, Assessment and Management, (2) Risk Analysis in Perspective (Measures of Risk), (3) Dose-Response Functions, (4) Risk Perception and Communication, (5) Variability and Uncertainty, (6) Cumulative Risk Assessment, (7) Risk Assessment, Management and Law and (8) Application to Public Health- WHO Methodology.

July, 2012
RGOV: Risk Governance [IVA-R15]
Lecturer: Ortwin Renn
July 31 - August 3, 2012

The course explains principles of modern risk governance including its main elements as described in the IRGC framework: a) pre-assessment, b) risk appraisal, c) risk characterization and evaluation d) risk management and e-risk communication. Apart from each of the elements (e.g. under "Risk Assessment": hazard identification and estimation, exposure and vulnerability assessment, risk estimation, exposure and social concerns, socio-economic impacts) the examples from industrial practice will be shown and explained. A separate part of the course will be dedicated to the overview of specific methods and techniques (e.g. Delphi), as well as to the tools and instruments facilitating the application by industry, governments and public bodies.


LCA: Life Cycle Analysis and Assessment [IVB-R16]
Lecturer: Leo Breedveld
July 23 - 27, 2012 | 500 €

The course gives the participants opportunity to improve the knowledge about the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and to gain the skills to perform simplified LCA studies and to analyze, discuss and comment international scientific articles on LCA. The course provides a comprehensive overview of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Life Cycle Costing (LCC), International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) and European Reference Life Cycle Data System (ELCD). The focus will be on practical examples of applying LCA in industry and improving the environmental performance and sustainability of products and services.


June, 2012
RBI-PETRO: Risk Based Inspection - Petro [II-R04a]
Lecturer: Daniel Baloš
June 4 - 6, 2012

The course elaborates on risk issues in petrochemical industries and explains principles of risk-based inspection. It deals with existing risk-based approaches and gives links to applied codes and standards. The focus of the course is on main reference documents of American Petroleum Institute: Recommended Practice for Risk-Based Inspection (API RP 580) and Base Resource Document on RBI (API Publication 581) API 581.


May, 2012
INTRO: Introduction to Risk Management [I-R01]
Lecturer: Marko Gerbec
May 2 - 5, 2012 | 500 €

The course covers the main topics of industrial safety, starting with different aspects of risks and terminology used in the field. The main part of the course is dedicated to the related EU directives and their application in industry. The course outlines goals, scope and required measures / obligations considering acute (e.g. accidents-related) and chronic (e.g. pollution-related) risks. Special attention is devoted to major accident prevention and related process safety risk assessment methodologies.


March, 2012
RBI-PETRO: Risk Based Inspection - Petro [II-R04a]
Lecturers: Daniel Baloš, Rik De Bosscher, Michael Renner
March 27 - 30, 2012

The course elaborates on risk issues in petrochemical industries and explains principles of risk-based inspection. It deals with existing risk-based approaches and gives links to applied codes and standards. The focus of the course is on main reference documents of American Petroleum Institute: Recommended Practice for Risk-Based Inspection (API RP 580) and Base Resource Document on RBI (API Publication 581) API 581.


FIRE: Fire Protection [IIIB-R08]
Lecturer: Ulrich Krause
March 19 - 23, 2012
The course starts with the theory of fire and extinguishment, and thoroughly explains fire protection principles. Further, the course gives details related to the fire protection concepts including legal background and requirements with special focus on industrial fires and risk analysis. The course introduces basic principles and application of fire modeling, explains the phenomenon of a fire and gives an overview of the fire models and their hierarchy and discusses particular models, including numerical. The theoretical part is complemented with number of examples, including calculations, that illustrate the use of different fire models.

January, 2012
iCSR&S: Integrated Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability [IVA-R14]
January 12 - 14, 2012

The course presents basic elements of the concept of Corporate (Social) Responsibility (CSR) and its practical application in industry. It starts with key elements of the CSR, focuses on CSR methodologies and tools and on the technology related aspects as a part of the modern practices of industry (HSE, HSSE). Analysis/comparison of the practices in the EU, US and other countries and relevant data and information on best practices worldwide are elaborated, including a number of relevant case studies from the key industries and references to main sources of relevant data and information. A particular unit of the course is dedicated to the ISO 26000 standard.


December, 2011
INTRO: Introduction to Risk Management [I-R01]
Lecturers: Marko Gerbec, Aleksandar, S. Jovanovic, Ortwin Renn
December 12 - 16, 2011 | 500 €

The course covers the main topics of industrial safety, starting with different aspects of risks and terminology used in the field. The main part of the course is dedicated to the related EU directives and their application in industry. The course outlines goals, scope and required measures / obligations considering acute (e.g. accidents-related) and chronic (e.g. pollution-related) risks. Special attention is devoted to major accident prevention and related process safety risk assessment methodologies.


BUSINESS: Business Continuity Risks & Insurance [IVB-R13]
Lecturer: Dirk Linowski
December 5 - 9, 2011
Complement other courses devoted to technical and engineering issues of risk management in industrial plants (petrochemical plants, process industry, power plants, etc.). Technical risks in the above plants can be a cause or a contributing factor in/for the business continuity and the final outcome of the technical/engineering activities is practically always to be seen on the background of business implications and implications/impacts to the business activities of a company. The insurance aspects are the most relevant practical aspect linking the engineering and business side of the company operation and asset management: therefore these will be tackled, too.

November, 2011
HSSE: Health, Safety, Security and Environment [IIIA-R06]
Lecturer: Olivier Salvi
November 21 - 25, 2011

The course gives an overview of EU regulation in the field of HSSE (Health, Safety, Security and Environment), explains the objectives and requirements, as well as the state-of-the art in the implementation including constraints and advantages. Special focus is on the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) and Industrial Emission Directive (IED) and on the prevention of major accidents (Seveso).


October, 2011
RCM&RCFA: Reliability Centered Maintenance and Root Cause Failure Analysis [II-R05]
Lecturers: Svetozar Eremić, Branislav Orlić
October 24 - 28, 2011

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) and Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA) are methodologies used for logical decision-making process for analysis and definition of the equipment maintenance requirements, as well as for accident prevention. The focus of the course is on the damage mechanisms appearing in different industries. A large number of well elaborated examples is included.


RBI-PETRO: Risk Based Inspection - Petro [II-R04a]
Lecturer: Svetozar Eremić
October 17 - 21, 2011

The course elaborates on risk issues in petrochemical industries and explains principles of risk-based inspection. It deals with existing risk-based approaches and gives links to applied codes and standards. The focus of the course is on main reference documents of American Petroleum Institute: Recommended Practice for Risk-Based Inspection (API RP 580) and Base Resource Document on RBI (API Publication 581) API 581.


July, 2011
PETRO: Risk Analysis in Petrochemical Industry [I-R02]
Lecturer: Giovanni Uguccioni
July 25 - 29, 2011

The petroleum industry is changing rapidly, challenging organizations and individuals to keep pace and distinguish opportunity from understanding, assessing and managing risk. This course presents current global and regional issues of risk analysis in petrochemical industries. Topics include risk aspects and methods for hazard identification, probability and consequences analysis, risk assessment, and health, safety and environment issues related to petrochemical industries.


POWER: Risk Analysis in Power Industry [I-R03]
Lecturer: Daniel Baloš
July 18 - 22, 2011
Knowledge of risk analysis applied specifically in power industry, starting with advantages and effectiveness of its application. It presents the regulatory basis and requirements, and elaborate commonly used methods through number of examples.

March, 2011
INTRO: Introduction to Risk Management [I-R01]
Lecturer: Marko Gerbec
March 14 - 18, 2011

The course covers the main topics of industrial safety, starting with different aspects of risks and terminology used in the field. The main part of the course is dedicated to the related EU directives and their application in industry. The course outlines goals, scope and required measures / obligations considering acute (e.g. accidents-related) and chronic (e.g. pollution-related) risks. Special attention is devoted to major accident prevention and related process safety risk assessment methodologies.


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