Consequence Analysis in an API RBI Assessment
September 14, 2012 ISIM Timisoara Romania
Lecturers: Daniel Baloš, Svetozar Eremić
This course teaches how to calculate the consequence of failure as defined by API RP 581:2008 Risk-Based Inspection Technology. The course starts with general definitions aiming to ensure better understanding of the main topics of the course. Methodology for calculation is always illustrated with examples.
At the end of the course, students are expected to have basic knowledge about:
- what are types of consequences and what kind of consequences can be calculated using RBI methodology
- what is the scope of this calculation, models and required data for calculation
- applicability, advantages and constrains of Level 1 and Level 2 calculation of consequences
- steps in calculation of consequences of failure at Level 1 and 2, as defined by API 581, including premises and assumptions
The course is dedicated to:
- professionals who wish to deepen their knowledge in the field of risk based inspection
- other professionals dealing with risk and safety in industry
- individuals with previous experience in the field of risk based inspection, but willing to extend their knowledge and take up new roles in this field within their companies.
CAA: Consequence Analysis in an API RBI Assessment [V-R30]
(RiskROM: Training - Module IV-1)
Lecturer: D. Balos
IV-1.1 Definitions. General
IV-1.1.1 Consequence Categories
IV-1.1.2 Collateral Damage
IV-1.2 Overview of Consequence Analyses in API RBI
IV-1.2.1 Level 1 Consequence Analysis
IV-1.2.2 Level 2 Consequence Analysis
IV-1.3 Consequence Analysis Calculation Procedure
IV-1.4 Consequence Analysis – Level 1
IV-1.4.1 Determine the Representative Fluid and Associated Properties
IV-1.4.2 Release Hole Size Selection
IV-1.4.3 Release Rate Calculation
IV-1.4.4 Estimate the Fluid Inventory Available for Release
IV-1.4.5 Estimate the Impact of Detection and Isolation Systems on Release Magnitude
IV-1.4.6 Determine the Release Rate and Mass for Consequence Analysis
IV-1.4.7 Determine Flammable and Explosive Consequences
IV-1.4.8 Determine Toxic Consequences
IV-1.4.9 Determine Non-Flammable Non-Toxic Consequences
IV-1.4.10 Determine the Component Damage and Personnel Injury Consequence Areas
IV-1.4.11 Determine the Financial Consequences
IV-1.5 Consequence Analysis – Level 2
IV-1.5.1 Determine the Fluid Composition and Associated Properties
IV-1.5.2 Release Rate Calculation
IV-1.5.3 Estimate the Fluid Inventory Available for Release
IV-1.5.4 Determine Release Type
IV-1.5.5 Estimate the Impact of Detection and Isolation Systems on Release Magnitude
IV-1.5.6 Determine the Release Rate and Mass for Consequence Analysis
IV-1.5.7 Determine Flammable and Explosive Consequences
IV-1.5.8 Determine Toxic Consequences
IV-1.5.9 Determine Non-Flammable Non-Toxic Consequences
IV-1.5.10 Determine the Component Damage and Personnel Injury Consequence Areas
IV-1.5.11 Determine the Financial Consequence