What should you know before making decision to study?

 To know more about the study at Steinbeis University Berlin

  1. get familiar with general documents containing basic rules and procedures
  2. read Study and Examination Regulation SER 136397 for Master of Engineering II at STI 889
  3. for further steps see Contacts and application procedure

Basic rules and procedures applied at Steinbeis University Berlin are contained in several main documents, study regulations:

  • Basic Order (GO) of the Steinbeis University Berlin
    (Grundordnung (GO) der Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin (SHB))
  • General Conditions (RSO) of the Steinbeis University Berlin
    (Rahmenstudienordnung (RSO) der Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin (SHB)of Study (RSO))
  • General Examination Conditions (RPO) of the Steinbeis University Berlin
    (Rahmenprüfungsordnung (RPO) der Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin (SHB) (RPO))
  • General certification regulation (RZO)
    (Rahmenzertifizierungsordnung (RZO) der Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin (SHB))

Study regulations of Steinbeis university are binding for training and employee development offered via the degree program and training courses in different Steinbeis Transfer Institutes.