The European Master and Certification Program in Risk Engineering and Management of the Steinbeis University Berlin is pleased to announce that the first stage of the ISO 31000 tour will take place in Stuttgart. As part of its competence transfer commitment, the Steinbeis University Berlin will also open other related courses to external attendees. |
Risk Analysis in Petrochemical Industry - May 4 – 7, 2015.
This course presents current global and regional issues in petrochemical industries. Topics include risk aspects and methods for hazard identification applied in petrochemical industries, probability and consequences analysis, risk assessment and safety and environment issues related to petrochemical industries.
Price: 980 €
Venue: Haus der Wirtschaft - Room K5 - access from Kienestraße 35, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany More info
Reliability Centred Maintenance and Root Cause Failure Analysis - May 11 – 13, 2015.
Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) and Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA) are methodologies used for logical decision-making process for analysis and definition of the equipment maintenance requirements, as well as for accident prevention. The focus of the course is on the damage mechanisms appearing in different industries. A large number of well elaborated examples is included.
Price: 880€
Venue: Haus der Wirtschaft- Room K5 - access from Kienestraße 35, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany More info
API RBI Concepts in Industry - May 18, 2015.
This course is an introduction to the fundamental concepts of Risk Based Inspection (RBI) and it focuses on API RBI methodology. The main topics cover explanations of main elements of the methodology: Probability of Failure, Consequences of Failure, Risk Analysis and Inspection Planning Based on Risk Analysis.
Price: 420 €
Venue: Lange Straße 54, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany More info
Innovation Risk Management - May 22, 2015.
The management of innovation is a rigorous process which includes a disciplined, stage-by-stage approval process combined with regular measurement of every critical factor, ranging from the capability of the product to reach the target characteristics to success in the market. In order to help business grow and improve its competitiveness, an integrated design process – described in this course - to achieve a successful innovation is needed.
Price: 420€
Venue: Lange Straße 54, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany More info
Safety and Reliability Analysis - May 26 – 28, 2015.
This course presents the basic theory for safety and reliability analysis. Qualitative techniques like functional analysis, FMECA and identification and evaluation of faults and hazards will be introduced. Then quantification techniques like reliability block diagrams, fault- and event tree analysis, and Markov methods will be highlighted. Special attention is paid to safety-critical systems (IEC 61508) where analysis of systems with common cause failures is important.
Price: 880€
Venue: Lange Straße 54, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany More info
Business Communication and Management of Intercultural Differences - May 29, 2015.
The purpose of this course is to highlight the importance of understanding and managing cultural differences for the success of collaboration with partners from other cultural background. It will address issues such as: Intercultural value systems, Differences in cultural practices, Cross-cultural project management, Individualism vs. Teamwork, What one should know, do or not do in an EU project and Case studies: US, Japan, India, China.
Price: 420€
Venue: Lange Straße 54, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany More info
Risk Perception and Risk Communication - June 1 – 3, 2015.
This course presents theoretical backgrounds and state-of-the-art research issues on perception and communication of risk. It aims to provide a solid basis for further developments of such work tasks by including theoretical achievements in the related fields, various examples from field work, and an internal training exercise. The understanding of communication processes and the improving of information and communication techniques related to risk and hazards are centralthemes of the course.
Price: 880€
Venue: Lange Straße 54, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany More info
For more info about the European Master and Certification Program in Risk Engineering and Management see http://www.sti.risk-technologies.com
For more info send an email to sti889@risk-technologies.com or call +49 711 1839 781 or +49 711 96897 220
In the case of cancellation of the course by the organizers, the participants are entitled to the full reimbursement of the prepaid fees.
In the case of participant's cancellation less than 1 week prior to the course, the fees will be retained in full.
Registration deadline expired.