July 15-19, 2013
TÜV Rheinland-South Africa
92 Koranna Ave
0140 Doringkloof, Gauteng
South Africa
Short description
The state-of-the art knowledge of risk based approaches currently applied in power generation industries to the wide range of professionals involved in different activities in conventional power generation.
Main topics of the course include:
Unit 1: Risk, sources of risk, risk identification, risk perception
- Unit 2: Introduction to the qualitative assessment approach
- Unit 3: Introduction to the quantitative and semi-quantitative risk assessment
- Unit 4: Modeling of consequences – qualitative and expert approach
- Unit 5: Modeling of consequences – quantitative approaches
- Unit 6: Likelihood assessment –statistical and API581 approach
- Unit 7: Likelihood assessment – physical modeling based on damage mechanisms
- Unit 8: Basic Damage mechanisms
- Unit 9: Inspections and inspection effectiveness
- Unit 10: Defects and their probability of detection
- Unit 11: Risk Based Inspection planning and inspection results evaluation
This course offers the state-of-the art knowledge of risk based approaches currently applied in power generation industries to the wide range of professionals involved in different activities in conventional power generation. It goes deeper in risk sources including specific damage mechanisms and elaborates methods and tools applied.
In the end of course students will know
- what levels of risk assessment are
- to model consequences on different level of risk assessment
- to assess likelihood using statistical and API approach
- most common damage mechanisms present in power plants
- to select inspection and monitoring strategy aimed to reduce risks
- to optimize inspection plan and use inspection results in the risk management process of a power plant.
Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Jovanovic
Dr.-Ing. Jörg Bareiß
Target participants
The course is dedicated to:
- professionals who wish to deepen their knowledge in the field of Risk Based Inspection;
- other professionals dealing with risk and safety in industry; and
- individuals with previous experience in the field of Risk Based Inspection.
Please scroll down to see the Registration form and make sure you have checked the corresponding box while doing your registration for the course. If you are a member of iNTeg-Risk project, please use the option "1. Already a Member?" in the registration form and your login credentials to register.
The course is intended for maximum 20-25 participants.
in South Africa:
Ms. Celeste Peters
TUV Rheinland Inspection Services (Pty) Ltd
Public Relations
Tel: +27 12 667 7700
in Germany:
Registration deadline expired.