The participants will:
- get an overview of all classic tools used in marketing,
- investigate the most famous theories and models and undergo a critical assessment,
- discuss the role of marketing in various sectors,
- get impulses for practical use of the "marketing mix",
- understand the basics of purchasing behavior and its influencing factors, and
- deepen their knowledge about marketing activities in practice through case studies.
Target Attendees / Participants
Students of Steinbeis Master of Business Administration
Course Content by Units
Marketing Basics:
- Marketing-overview
- Historical development of marketing
- Frameworks of marketing
- Aspects of global marketing
- Management of marketing mix
- The 4Ps - Product, Price, Place, Promotion
- Alternatives to classical instruments
- The product lifecycle
Marketing Management:
- Marketing in various sectors
- Principles of purchasing behavior
Teaching Methods
Classic lecturing
Free, interactive class discussion
Small group work
Harding, G. / Walton, P. (2000): Bluff your way in marketing (Bluffer’s Guides), 1. Auflage, Oval Books.
Kerin, R. / Hartley, S. / Rudelius, W. (2014): Marketing, 12th Edition, McGraw-Hill Education.
Kotabe, M. / Helsen, K. (1998): Global Marketing Management, 1. Auflage, Wiley.
Kotler, P. / Keller, K. L. / Bliemel, F. (2007): Marketing-Management: Strategien fur wertschaffendes Handeln, 12. aktualisierte Auflage, Pearson Studium.
Kotler. P. / Bliemel, F. (2006 - Nachdr.): Marketing-Management: Analyse, Planung und Verwirklichung, 10. uberarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage, Pearson Studium.
Kotler, P. / Armstrong, G. / Saunders, J. (2006): Grundlagen des Marketing: Studium Economic BWL, 4. aktualisierte Auflage, Pearson Studium.
Lippmann, H. (2005): Markchancen nutzen mit Produktmanagement, 8. aktualisierte und uberarbeitete Auflage, RKW.
Meffert, H. (2000): Marketing: Grundlagen marktorientierter Unternehmensfuhrung; Konzepte, Instrumente, Praxisbeispiele; mit neuer Fallstudie VW Golf, 9. uberarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, Gabler.
Schwerdt, A. J. (2007): Strategisches Marketing, 1. Auflage, Steinbeis Edition.
Terpstra, V. / Foley, J. (2012): International Marketing, 10th Edition, Naper Publishing Group.