The goal of the course is to give an introduction to transportation risk assessment. The course, building on basic knowledge of risk and consequence analysis concepts will introduce the participants to the numerical calculation of risk indexes and their use in the context of assessment of safety of land transportation of hazardous goods and hazardous substances. The participants will acquire the capability of undertaking a transportation risk assessment study and of interpreting the results of such studies.
Target Attendees / Participants
The course is dedicated to:
- professionals (engineers, managers, inspectors, legislators, …) who wish to deepen their knowledge in the field of risk based inspection
- other professionals dealing with risk and safety in industry
- individuals with no previous experience in the field of risk based inspection, but willing to extend their knowledge and take up new roles in this field within their companies
- university students of Steinbeis European Master Program in Risk Engineering and Management, and similar programs.
Course Content by Units
Title & contents in brief
(UNIT 1) Hazards in the land transportation of hazardous substances
- Relevant past accidents in road, rail and pipeline transportation of hazardous substances. Statistical data and relevance of the problem.
- Characterization of risk sources.
- Applicable standards and legislation (ADR, RID, voluntary agreements, etc.)
(UNIT 2) Basic elements for risk calculation: scenario selection, frequency and consequence assessment
- Scenario selection from hazard identification. Parameters needed for the quantitative assessment of a scenario. Assumptions needed for the analysis of a scenario.
(UNIT 2 - continued)
- Frequency calculation: accident statistics, failure data.
- Consequence assessment: use of models for consequence assessment.
(UNIT 3 – part 1) Risk for the environment and tunnel fires
- Tunnel fires. Analysis of past accidents. Complicating phenomena. Modeling tools.
(UNIT 3 – part 2 continued ) Risk for the environment and tunnel fires
- Scenarios causing environmental damage. Modeling tools and approach to risk assessment. Magnitude of environmental damage. Parameters needed for the quantitative assessment of a scenario.
(UNIT 4 - introduction)
- Frequency calculation: accident statistics, failure data
- Representation of linear risk sources
- Calculation of damage and risk. Simplified and detailed approaches.
(UNIT 4 – continued) Basic elements for risk calculation: scenario selection, frequency and consequence assessment
- Examples of risk calculation
(Unit 4 – continued)
- Examples of risk calculation
(Unit 5) Use of risk results
- Examples of risk-based decision making. Direct calculation of risk for different routes.
- Cost benefits Analysis of passive protections.
Teaching Methods
Ex-cathedra lecturing.
Use of a case-study for practical demonstration.
Use of software tools for numerical calculations and mapping.
1. Textbook: Introduction to transportation risk assessment (Version 1, due in January 2013)
2. Directive 2006/89/EC of 3 November 2006 adapting for the sixth time to technical progress Council Directive 94/55/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States with regard to the transport of dangerous goods by road (ADR)
3. Directive 2006/90/EC of 3 November 2006 adapting for the seventh time to technical progress Council Directive 96/49/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States with regard to the transport of dangerous goods by rail (RID)