European Master and Certification Program
in Risk Engineering and Management

Business Continuity and Sustainability

Course code: 136483
Language of instruction: English
Duration of the course: 17 days (153h)
Lecturers: Leo Breedveld (2B Srl), Prof. Dr. Petar Stanojević (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies)
Assessment: Transfer Paper [optional topic for Project Study Paper]
Credit points: 5 CPs

Short description

The module gives participants the opportunity to improve their knowledge about the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), gain the skills to perform simplified LCA studies and to analyze, discuss and comment international scientific articles on LCA. The focus will be on practical examples of applying LCA in industry and improving the environmental performance and sustainability of products and services. The module continues with general techniques for accident modeling and explains different models of explosion. It elaborates gas and vapor explosion, as well as gas dispersion modeling, using examples for applied methods.


In the end of the module the students are expected to:

  • have basic knowledge about LCA methodology and application
  • be familiar with the most important concepts and terminology used in LCA
  • have skill to perform simplified LCA using some of most commonly used software tools.

In the end of the module the students will know:

  • know the link between LCA and HSE
  • the importance of accident and consequences modeling in industry
  • what is the difference between fire and explosion
  • explosion mechanisms and fire principles
  • general techniques for accident modeling
  • to do simple calculation of consequence


Target Attendees / Participants


Course Content by Units

Introduction to industrial safety issues
Life cycle assessment (LCA) - Introduction and theory
Example of an LCA
Practical LCA assessment
Monte Carlo Analysis
LCA application and wrap-up
Individual LCA exercises
Introduction to accident and consequences modeling
Modeling of Gas Explosions
Modeling of blast generated by vapor cloud explosions
Modeling of Gas Dispersion
Industrial fires
Fire modeling

Teaching Methods

The course includes:

  • introductory note explaining aim and structure of the course, and used methodology as well
  • ex cathedra lecturing illustrated by number of examples
  • step by step introduction of the software commonly used for LCA
  • case study using LCA software
  • individual exercises using LCA software
  • review of main topics in the end of each lecturing unit


Defined in the courses

For more information about the European Master and Certification Program in Risk Engineering and Management in general, go the Homepage.
For more information about the European Master Program in Risk Engineering and Management in general, go the Master Study page.
To see more courses in the curriculum, go to The curriculum page, or by date and topic go to the Calendar of Courses page.
Contact: via email or phone +49 711 1839 781 or +49 711 1839 647
(Course profile ID: VIII, generated on March 7, 2025)