By the end of this course, attendees are expected to:
-have a comprehensive overview of the scope of quality management
-be able to assess the quality management system of their own company
-understand how a quality management system helps to meet customer requirements
-be familiar with related techniques and tools and understand how they can help to monitor and improve quality
-be able to apply the knowledge earned to order to develop sound strategies for organizational change and continuous improvement
Target Attendees / Participants
This course is targeted to current master of engineering students
Course Content by Units
This course will cover the following topics:
-Definition of quality and quality management system
-Philosophy, basics and evolution of quality management
-ISO 9001 standard – focus on the changes arising from the ISO 9001:2015 version
-Tools and techniques
-Documentation of the quality management system and process
-Continual improvement
-Roles and responsibilities within the quality management system
Teaching Methods
Practice case studies and exercises are proposed in class, and students are requested to undertake a mock risk analysis using the methodology described in the module. The learning experience is deepened by practical examples, with the use of knowledge and skills and the implementation of adequate assignments.
- BS ISO 10014:2006 Quality management — Guidelines for realizing financial and economic benefits, BSI British Standards.
- PD ISO/IEC TR 90005:2008 Systems engineering — Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001 to system life cycle processes
- ISO 9004:2009 Managing for the sustained success of an organization — A quality management approach
- Jay J. Schlickman (2003). ISO 9001: 2000 Quality Management System Design, Artech House Publishers.
- Oltra V (2005). Knowledge management effectiveness factors: the role of HRM”, J. Knowledge Manage. 9(4): 70-86
- Steward D, W addell D (2008). Knowledge Management: The fundamental component for delivery of quality. Total Qual. Manage. Bus. Excell. 19(9): 987-996 (10)
- Thomas Pyzdek (2003). The Six Sigma Handbook: The Complete Guide for Greenbelts, Blackbelts, and Managers at All Levels, Revised and Expanded Edition, 32.
- Vivek Nanda (2005). Quality Management System Handbook for Product Development Companies, 65.